Let's reach an agreement!


We have developed Free Software to help you reach an agreement. In the 'Re:integrative Re:action' project and under the Erasmus+ programme we have created interactive tools to help with Consultation, Negotiation and Mediation. Benefit today!

How To

Our software provides tools for structured conversation that allows you to consult, negotiate and, if necessary, conduct mediation.


Find an expert you trust and get help with your problem.


Discuss common interests with everyone involved.


If things don't work out, try mediation as a solution.

It's all very simple – just download to your device, install, login and use it over the internet.

The tool has a user friendly design that will guide and support you in every step. No special knowledge is needed.


Select your operating system. Download, install and start. It's that simple!

To ensure that you are using an original copy of our software, we suggest you to perform a cryptographic verification of the downloaded archive file using the appropriate digital signature and our public key.

Public Key

With our public key you can check the digital signature of the archive file. A good free software for verification is GNU Privacy Guard. Remember to make sure the public key has the following identifier:


Source Code

We give you the opportunity to use the source code of our software – to test its functionality independently, suggest improvements, or integrate it into your projects.


Our software is completely free (as in 'Freedom'). You do not need a permit and you do not owe a payment to use it in its original or modified form. The only thing that we strongly disagree with, is the restriction of freedom. If somebody attempts to do so, we as copyright holders of this software grant you the right not to comply with the imposed restrictions.

In particular, our software (executable versions and source code) is distributed under the terms of the GNU-GPLv3 Software License, and its documentation (including this text) under the terms of the GNU-FDLv1.3 Free Documentation License (in English). All translations of GNU-GPLv3 and GNU-FDLv1.3 in languages other than the original English version are unofficial.

Generally: you can freely download and use the source code, research it, modify it, share it with third parties (in its original or modified form), and modify the documentation (unless it reflects your personal position, preference and/or opinion) and share it with third parties; against which you undertake not to limit the rights you receive to subsequent users, to indicate clearly the changes you have made (if any), to clearly state the applicability of GNU-GPLv3 and/or GNU-FDLv1.3, to grant access to a copy of the source code (if you are changing the software) and not to give the misleading impression that we support you.

About Us

Within the „RE: Integrative RE: Action“ project (017-1-BG01-KA204-036210) under the Erasmus+ Programme, experts of Podkrepa CL together with their partners developed an interactive tool for Consultation, Negotiation and Mediation. Our goal is to assist working people (especially disadvantaged ones) with tools for coordination and collaboration in identifying, clarifying and solving problems.

Since Podkrepa Confederation of Labor was established, it plays a leading role in the formation of contemporary Bulgarian Industrial Relations as a nationally representative Trade Union organization. Specialists from the National Federation Technical Industry, Science, Informatics have been involved with an indispensable personal contribution to the technological realization of the project.